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Quaich Wedding Ceremony

Quaich Ceremony. The quaich is a traditional Scottish two handled drinking cup. Unique to Mackenzie Bagpiping we like to tailor our service to your needs. The Quaich Ceremony is an ancient Scottish tradition that goes back many years.

Donald Hired For Tunnocks TV Ad

Donald was hired by Tunnocks to appear and play the bagpipes in their TV advert.

Caberfeidh Folk Band

This is a video of myself playing with Caberfeidh at a gig in 2008. Enjoy!The first tune is Sandy Duff, the second is nameless and can be found at the back of the Logan Tutor book. The final tune is one of my own compositions called “Lady Mackenzie of Greenwood”.

Donald Playing in Caberfeidh Folk Band

Donald Mackenzie playing in Caberfeidh Folk Band at the Renfrew Ferry in Glasgow. Donald takes a pro-active view with the bagpipes.

Bagpipe Teacher Lesson One

Bagpipe Teacher Lesson 1 – Introducing grace notes.Please visit my YouTube channel for more lessons, the link is at the bottom of my website.

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